Updated Steps
Updated Steps
Monday, March 16, 2020
Covington, VA, Updated Steps City is Taking Regarding COVID-19 Mitigation
The City wishes to provide its citizens and businesses an update on steps in place and those being initiated, in an effort to mitigate COVID-19 in the community. City government officials and Covington’s School officials, continue to remain in communication with each other. There is also a concerted on-going effort to work in tandem with neighboring officials in the region.
1. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) now recommends that no gatherings of 50 or more people be held for at least eight (8) weeks. This recommendation applies to public and private gatherings.
a. Due to the revised guidelines, City Parks and Facilities will remain closed to organized events. Also the City will not be scheduling any events during this timeframe. Parks may be visited at an individual’s own risk.
b. VDH’s Town Hall Meeting slated for Tuesday, March 17, 2020, at the Alleghany Regional Library is now cancelled. i. The Alleghany Regional Library will be closed through March 28, 2020.
c. At this time, City Schools remain closed through March 27, 2020.
2. Social distancing continues to be recommended for the general public by the CDC. There are emerging guidelines relating to those age sixty-five (65) years and up, that outings should be limited to those that are essential.
3. Core guidelines provided from the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) and CDC, continue to center on promoting basic hygiene.
a. Effective immediately water shut-offs within the City shall be suspended until further notice. This is a proactive step to ensure all citizens and businesses have access to water for hand washing and other basic hygiene/sanitation needs.
b. Fees for late payment shall still apply and bills will be continue to be issued.
4. The City is working to align community support services for those that are currently or may become homebound during this time.
a. This can include meal delivery and we are working to determine other essential needs. More information to come as efforts evolve with our community partners.
5. City Hall and all City Offices are closed.